Audience over speaker

Audience over speaker

The first golden rule for successful public speaking is, according to top speechwriter Simon Lancaster, an ability to bear in mind that the audience is more important than the speaker. The real indication of the success of a speech is not how good the speaker feels as...
Aristotle’s Triad

Aristotle’s Triad

When Aristotle wrote The Art of Rhetoric in 350 BCE, he described the ability of a speaker to convince and persuade the audience as being the result of three different, but interlinking, principals: logos, ethos and pathos. Considered in conjunction with one another,...
The power of the tricolon

The power of the tricolon

When Barack Obama became the first black American to be elected President of the United States of America in 2008, faces in the Chicago crowd were wet with tears. He declared that change had come to America and his speech sought to break with the presidency of George...
Colourful charisma

Colourful charisma

I used to live here. This is Colmar, in the east of France, which was a huge shift from London, where I am from. It really is chocolate-box gorgeous, looking out and seeing the flat-bottomed boats punt past.  It is a region with a strong identity, a really individual...